Monthly Archives: June 2013

What will I be left to live on if I go Bankrupt?

You will be allowed a reasonable living expenses budget in Bankruptcy. Do you still control your money? How can you pay your expenses? Must you pay your debt?

10 facts about Bankruptcy that will keep you up at night

Is bankruptcy a suitable debt solution for you? Paying a bankruptcy fee. Will you lose your home, personal possessions, pension or your job if you go bankrupt?

5 Myths about DMPs uncovered

The facts about Debt Management Plans. How long will it take to repay your debt? Will it protect your credit rating or home equity? Will interest be frozen?

5 more myths about Bankruptcy uncovered

The facts about Bankruptcy. Is it still advertised? Will it affect your credit rating more than other solutions? Are household items sold? Is travel allowed?

How can I afford to start an IVA?

What can do to be able to afford an IVA? Tips for reducing your living expenses. Do you have an HP agreement? Can you start an IVA without monthly payments?